“I’ll see your passive-aggressiveness and raise you a sweet-genuine”. ~ Unknown To talk about Passive-Aggressiveness we need to start with a simple definition of the 3 primary ways people behave and/or communicate. I’ve always thought of these as a clock (I hope this metaphor makes sense to you): • Passive behavior/communication (which shares many similarities…

Grief Therapy for Indigenous Peoples   The history of First Nations in Canada is marked by layers of intergenerational trauma, stemming from centuries of colonization, forced assimilation, and systemic injustices. This trauma is not just a relic of the past but continues to affect new generations through psychological, social, and cultural channels. The emotional reactions…

Each year, Canada welcomes a significant number of refugees, contributing to its multicultural society. Among these newcomers, a considerable portion are children, with estimates suggesting that around 20% of the refugee population comprises minors. These children come from diverse backgrounds, often fleeing their home countries due to war, violence, persecution, or natural disasters. The Impact…

Understanding NIHB and Access to Mental Health Services for Indigenous People In a world where mental health awareness is progressively taking the forefront, the provision of psychotherapy and counseling services to Indigenous people, free of charge, marks a significant step towards healing and reconciliation. This initiative is largely supported by the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB)…

Now there you are, walking around in your head, perhaps in deep thought or drifting in a daydream, when suddenly, “BOO!” Out of nowhere, an overenthusiastic friend jumps out and practically scares the life out of you. Of course, you try to pose poise so your friend doesn’t have the pleasure of accomplishing their mission…

The journey through grief is a profound and complex process, significantly more so for children and adolescents who face the death of a loved one. This blog explores the multifaceted nature of grief within the developmental stages of young individuals, the therapeutic avenues available, including art therapy and psychotherapy, and the concept of “good grief.”…

  In Toronto, the quest for mental health and wellness, especially concerning eating disorders, has taken a front seat in the public consciousness. As society becomes more aware of the nuances and complexities of these disorders, the demand for specialized services, including psychotherapy and art therapy, has surged. This detailed guide delves into the intricacies…

What is anxiety?  Anxiety disorders affect millions of people worldwide, manifesting as overwhelming feelings of worry, fear, and unease. Coping with anxiety can be challenging, but there are numerous strategies that individuals can employ to manage their symptoms and regain a sense of control over their lives. In this blog post, we’ll explore various coping…

Being a mother is a rewarding and beautiful role, but it can be exhausting! If you often feel overwhelmed, or as though you will never catch up, you are not alone.  Most of the mothers I work with feel this way too. In this article I’ll share strategies that help overwhelmed moms simplify their lives…

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