Many parents, who have teenagers, often encounter power struggles with their teenager.  Typically the power struggle occurs because the teenager disagrees with the limits their parents are setting.  Many parents get frustrated by the power struggles, but teenagers at times enjoy the power struggle.  If they get their parents into an argument most parents forget…

“I’ll see your passive-aggressiveness and raise you a sweet-genuine”. ~ Unknown To talk about Passive-Aggressiveness we need to start with a simple definition of the 3 primary ways people behave and/or communicate. I’ve always thought of these as a clock (I hope this metaphor makes sense to you): • Passive behavior/communication (which shares many similarities…

It is characteristic of the emotions of the very young infant that they are of an extreme and powerful nature. ~ M. KleinI’ve always appreciated Object Relations Theory (ORT) however it’s one of “those” theories – so stick with me (and you might have to read this post twice to understand it . ORT comes…

The term neuroticism dates to the ancient Greeks who believed people were made up of four basic temperaments: choleric (anger/leaders), sanguine (happy/sociable), phlegmatic (calm/deep thinkers) and melancholic (neurotic/artists). Then came Freud (late 1800’s), who had many thoughts about neuroses (some better than others)! Simply summarized, he thought neuroses came from not facing, and thereby repressing,…

Possunt quia posse videntur ~ VirgilI was motivated to write this week’s post (and even wrote most of it). Then I realized there were much better resources available than what I could provide alone. Motivation is a huge field of research! It has been studied for centuries by philosophers, educators, neurologists, sportsman, lawyers, leaders –…

“Diligence is the mother of good luck”. (Proverb) When something happens to you, how much control do you feel you had over it? Your answer to this question is shaped by many factors (childhood experiences, parenting styles, abilities, trauma etc.) and causes you to fall somewhere on the spectrum of high internal to high external…

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