Cancer. The mere mention of the word sends shivers down the spine, a stark reminder of the fragility of life. When a cancer diagnosis shatters your world, hope becomes your lifeline. In this blog, we explore the power of belief and the potential for healing, even in the face of the most formidable adversary –…

  Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based model of therapy that aims to teach people new skills and strategies that can enable them into creating fulfilling lives.1 What is DBT? Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is a type of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). DBT is designed to help manage emotional dysregulation, increased distress tolerance, and improve…

Codependency Patterns in Chronic Illness Written by: Tracey Nguyen, RN MN   Did you know that codependency and chronic illness are linked? There is a clear relationship between codependent behaviour and chronic disease, even cancer. Codependency is normalized in our culture and society but it’s only harmful to the self because of the way we…

Setting boundaries is an essential part of maintaining healthy relationships and ensuring our needs are met. As a therapist, I often encounter individuals who struggle with this aspect of their personal and emotional lives. This struggle can lead to feelings of being taken advantage of, disrespected, or even abused. However, it’s crucial to understand that…

The first step in achieving sobriety from sex and porn addiction is education and awareness. Education is learning a new concept while awareness is the application of this new knowledge upon yourself. So today, let’s take a look at the addiction cycle itself. First, it begins with a trigger or craving. These triggers or cravings…

The essence of healing is connection – first, to yourself. Then, to others. Your human nature directs you to seek bonding. You are, biologically and neurologically, wired for this. Unfortunately, when carrying unhealed trauma, you could seek harmful connections because you’re disconnected from yourself. Trauma is that very separation from the body and emotions.- Gabor…

Savor Gratitude– This is a practice of mindful gratitude. Embrace at the moment and take note of the appreciation of something- take a moment to pause and breathe into it. You will experience the expansion of your heart opening, your taking in more oxygen, and the cellular structure of your being will resonate. You will…

It’s Valentine’s Weekend and a major issue for many teenagers is if they have a boyfriend or girlfriend.  Having a girlfriend or boyfriend is very important to many teenagers.  Often teenagers feel defective if they do not have a girlfriend or boyfriend.  Many people are familiar with this line, “you complete me,” from the movie,…