Navigating the world of special education can be overwhelming for parents of children with disabilities. Understanding complex diagnoses, educational evaluations, and the legal framework surrounding individualized support is often a daunting task. Psychologists, with their expertise in assessment, child development, and mental health, can be invaluable allies for parents in ensuring their children receive the…

Have you ever found yourself in a standoff with a daunting task, knowing you should start, but instead, you end up deep-cleaning your kitchen? Or perhaps you’ve suddenly realized that your dog needs an immediate and thorough bath just as you’re about to sit down with your tax forms? If this sounds familiar, you’re not…

Recently Dr. Gayle MacBride was asked that very question. Here’s her response: Sometimes we go to therapy, even if we don’t think we need it. The times when this is most important are when people are giving you the same feedback again and again (eg. hearing the same complaints from multiple people). Therapists can help you see…

Not everyone connects with their inner child or even have the desire to. What made you want to explore this concept? Well I had to realize that all my adult ways weren’t working. I tried therapy, I tried to handle the here and now, I tried to mask, I drank, I tried to handle each…

I’m your resource. What do you want to know about fear? I’m afraid. I don’t like it What don’t you like about it? It makes me panicky and on edge. What does panicky and on edge feel like? A tightness on my chest, I can’t think straight. What does that feeling make you want to…

WELCOME TO A SANCTUARY OF HOLISTIC WELL-BEING AND LIBERATION! WE PROUDLY EMBRACE A SEX-POSITIVE, KINK-INCLUSIVE, AND POLYAMORY-SUPPORTIVE APPROACH TO THERAPY. With a deep understanding that human sexuality and relationships are diverse and multifaceted, together we can create a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals, couples, and groups to explore their authentic selves. Whether you’re navigating…

In the quest for mental wellness and personal development, the digital world offers a new frontier of possibilities. With the advent of innovative technologies and the rise of virtual platforms, there’s an expanding universe of resources that can complement traditional therapy and coaching. For those on a journey of self-improvement, digital tools not only bring…

  Many fear waking up in old age filled with regret, especially regarding their relationships. They dread the thought of not having done enough to save their marriage, the impact of a divorce on their children, or not acting sooner before it was too late. This fear of regret is a powerful motivator to take…

  Dispelling 5 Myths About Saving Your Marriage” Working as a marriage counselor, mentor, and coach, I’ve encountered numerous myths about saving marriages. These misconceptions can be misleading and detrimental. This post aims to clear up these myths and shed light on the realities that can help save your marriage. Myth 1: Both Partners Must…

  In the United States, over 500,000 couples each month seek couples therapy. But there’s a critical misunderstanding that needs to be addressed. Many believe that simply attending couples therapy sessions will automatically save their marriage. This assumption could not be further from the truth and might even be counterproductive. As seasoned professionals in therapy,…