Faith, hope and love; the greatest of these is love (I Corinthians 13:13). What settles people in from existing storms is the ability to present one another with the probability of hope. Living is not enough; one must indeed know how to live. How? Understanding the how fragile one’s existence actually is. Taking stock in…

Take a guess, how many studies exist examining the effectiveness of addiction programs for unwanted pornography viewing?  The answer: ZERO.  Pretty shocking right? Addiction recovery programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) have been around for decades. These programs have helped countless people over the years overcome drug and alcohol problems. Many have attempted to apply the…

Cancer. The mere mention of the word sends shivers down the spine, a stark reminder of the fragility of life. When a cancer diagnosis shatters your world, hope becomes your lifeline. In this blog, we explore the power of belief and the potential for healing, even in the face of the most formidable adversary –…

New Group Posted by Kimberly Rehak on February 5, 2021 – 8:11pm LEAVING THE DOCK: LIFE BOAT A FAITH-BASED SUPPORT GROUP FOR WOMEN WEEKLY TOPICS Surrounding Real-Life Challenging Situations, With A Careful Focus on Solutions. Applying Prayer, Biblical Practices, As Well As Tried & Tested Strategies to Help Heal, Restore, & FIND Renewed Strength. Fellowship Gatherings &…

In light of the terrorist attack on London yesterday and the threats against Jewish Community Centers, it makes sense to remind parents how children and teenagers are being impacted. I have been seeing more and more teenagers who are complaining of anxiety and depression. Many of these teenagers are also afraid to go to school…

In today’s society many people including teenagers view cell phones as a necessity of life. However, it’s a privilege and we need to remember that fact. Many people have forgotten that cell phones are privileges especially teens and children in Middle School. This is a common argument I encounter between children and parents. The other…

Imagine for a moment how much healthier, happier, and safe our world would/could be if we all had a true and deep appreciation, respect, and acceptance of one another and our differences…. When people think of differences, the more obvious ones immediately come to mind, including race, ethnicity, religion, physical ability, or economic status. Then…